To run the quality assurance system at Department of Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, a Quality Assurance Unit (UJM in Indonesia) was established. UJM was formed with the basis of ISO 9000:2001, BAN-PT, and Pelayanan Prima. The organization members are shown below:
Manager Representative: Prof. Sri Suhartini, STP, M.Env.Mgt, Ph.D
Head: Vitta Rizky Permatasari, STP, M.Si
Secretary: Vindhya Tri Widayanti, STP, MP
Team Member:
- Sakunda Anggarini, STP, MP, M.Sc, Ph.D
- Wendra Gandhatyasri Rohmah, STP, MP
- Arie Febrianto Mulyadi STP, MP